Name | Type | Description |
elementResponseAttributes | string | Comma-separated list of element attribute names to be included into findElement response. By default only element UUID is present there, but it is also possible to add the following items: name, text, rect, enabled, displayed, selected, attribute/ |
shouldUseCompactResponses | boolean | Used in combination with elementResponseAttributes setting. If set to false then the findElement response is going to include the items enumerated in elementResponseAttributes setting. true by default |
screenshotQuality | int | See the description of the corresponding capability. |
mjpegServerFramerate | int | The maximum count of screenshots per second taken by the MJPEG screenshots broadcaster. Must be in range 1..60. 10 by default |
mjpegScalingFactor | int | The percentage value used to apply downscaling on the screenshots generated by the MJPEG screenshots broadcaster. Must be in range 1..100. 100 is by default, which means that screenshots are not downscaled. |
mjpegServerScreenshotQuality | int | The percentage value used to apply lossy JPEG compression on the screenshots generated by the MJPEG screenshots broadcaster. Must be in range 1..100. 25 is by default, which means that screenshots are compressed to the quarter of their original quality. |
customSnapshotTimeout | float | Set how much time in float seconds is allowed to resolve a single accessibility snapshot with custom attributes. Snapshots are mainly used for page source generation, XML lookup and custom attributes retrieval (these are visibility and accessibility ones). It might be necessary to increase this value if the actual page source is very large and contains hundreds of UI elements. Defaults to 15 seconds. Since Appium 1.19.1 if this timeout expires and no custom snapshot could be made then WDA tries to calculate the missing attributes using its own algorithms, so setting this value to zero might speed up, for example, page source retrieval, but for the cost of preciseness of some element attributes. |
waitForIdleTimeout | float | Has the same meaning as corresponding capability (see above) |
animationCoolOffTimeout | float | The amount of time in float seconds to wait until the application under test does not have any active animations. This check is usually applied after each automation action that is supposed to change the state of the application under test, like click one, and blocks XCTest until the transition of the tested application to a new state completes or the cool off timeout occurs. The default value is 2 (seconds). Setting it to zero disables animation checks completely. |
snapshotMaxDepth | int | Changes the value of maximum depth for traversing elements source tree. It may help to prevent out of memory or timeout errors while getting the elements source tree, but it might restrict the depth of source tree. Please consider restricting this value if you observed an error like Timed out snapshotting message or Cannot get 'xml' source of the current application in your Appium log since they are possibly timeout related. A part of elements source tree might be lost if the value was too small. Defaults to 50 |
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