
Capability Type Required? Description
platformName string Required The type of platform hosting the app or browser
appium:automationName string Required The name of the Appium driver to use
browserName string The name of the browser to launch and automate, if the driver supports web browsers as a special case
appium:app string The path to an installable application
appium:deviceName string The name of a particular device to automate, e.g., iPhone 14 (currently only actually useful for specifying iOS simulators, since in other situations it’s typically recommended to use a specific device id via the appium:udid capability).
appium:platformVersion string The version of a platform, e.g., for iOS, 16.0
appium:newCommandTimeout number The number of seconds the Appium server should wait for clients to send commands before deciding that the client has gone away and the session should shut down
appium:noReset boolean If true, instruct an Appium driver to avoid its usual reset logic during session start and cleanup (default false)
appium:fullReset boolean If true, instruct an Appium driver to augment its usual reset logic with additional steps to ensure maximum environmental reproducibility (default false)
appium:eventTimings boolean If true, instruct an Appium driver to collect Event Timings (default false)
appium:printPageSourceOnFindFailure boolean If true, collect the page source and print it to the Appium log whenever a request to find an element fails (default false)
orientation boolean LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT (Sim/Emu-only) start in a certain orientation
app string /abs/path/to/my.apk


The absolute local path or remote http URL to a .ipa file (IOS), .app folder (IOS Simulator), .apk file (Android) or .apks file (Android App Bundle), or a .zip file containing one of these. Appium will attempt to install this app binary on the appropriate device first. Note that this capability is not required for Android if you specify appPackage and appActivity capabilities (see below). UiAutomator2 and XCUITest allow to start the session without app or appPackage. Incompatible with browserName. See here about .apks file.
otherApps string e.g., "/path/to/app.apk",,

["", "/path/to/"]

App or list of apps (as a JSON array) to install prior to running tests. Note that it will not work with automationName of Espresso and iOS real devices
newCommandTimeout integer e.g. 60 How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a new command from the client before assuming the client quit and ending the session
language string e.g. fr Language to set for iOS (XCUITest driver only) and Android.
locale string e.g. fr_CACA Locale to set for iOS (XCUITest driver only) and Android. fr_CA format for iOS. CA format (country name abbreviation) for Android
autoWebview boolean truefalse Move directly into Webview context. Default false
eventTimings boolean true Enable or disable the reporting of the timings for various Appium-internal events (e.g., the start and end of each command, etc.). Defaults to false. To enable, use true. The timings are then reported as events property on response to querying the current session. See the event timing docs for the the structure of this response.
enablePerformanceLogging boolean truefalse (Web and webview only) Enable Chromedriver’s (on Android) or Safari’s (on iOS) performance logging (default false)
printPageSourceOnFindFailure boolean true When a find operation fails, print the current page source. Defaults to false.
clearSystemFiles boolean Delete any generated files at the end of a session. Default to false

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